Advertising Guidelines

      Welcome to our Advertising Guidelines information. Please read these Guidelines carefully before submitting advertisements for the website. You may return to our Advertising page upon completion, or Contact Us with any questions, concerns or clarifications. reserves the right to refuse advertisements of any kind at its sole discretion, and also to revise these Guidelines at any time.

Landing pages / Destination URLs

1. Ads that contain a URL or domain in the body must link to that same URL or domain.
2. All users must be sent to the same landing page when the ad is clicked.
3. Landing pages that generate pop-ups/overs/unders are not allowed.
4. It cannot use "fake" close behavior or "mouse trapping" techniques.

Accuracy, Grammar, Punctuation

1. Advertising copy must directly relate to the content on the landing page.
2. Ad title and body must clearly state and represent the company, product, or brand advertised.
3. Ad text must be in logical sentence form, and use correct spelling / grammatically correct spacing.
4. Ads may not include unnecessary capitalization/punctuation/symbols or excessive repetition.

Unacceptable Content

Advertising referencing, containing, facilitating or promoting: Spam, alcohol, tobacco products, ammunition or firearms, ringtones, software downloads, freeware, shareware, scams, illegal activity and/or illegal contests, pharmaceutical products, adult/sexual content, offensive/inappropriate language, defamatory/unlawful content, web cams or surveillance equipment, collection of demographic and usage information from a user's computer, collection or request of usernames or passwords, virus/trojan/malware or any other type of program that may alter/harm/disable/replace any hardware or software installed on user's computer, automatic downloads or automatic download dialog boxes, inflammatory religious content, politically religious agendas and/or any known associations with hate (including criminal and/or terrorist activities), political content that exploits political agendas or uses "hot button" political issues for commercial use, hate speech of any kind (whether directed at an individual or a group, and whether based upon the race, sex, creed, national origin, religious affiliation, marital status, sexual orientation or language of such individual or group).

Due to the current legal climate in the United States regarding the advertisement of online gambling, we are currently unable to accommodate advertising requests of this nature.

Additional content types may be deemed as Unacceptable at our sole discretion at any time. References

Ads are not permitted to mention or refer to, its site or its brand in any manner, including in the title, body, image, or destination URLs. They may not use logos, trademarks, or site terminology (including but not limited to graphics, logos, designs, or icons).

No Incentives or Misleading Information

1. No ad may offer incentives to viewers for clicking on the ad
2. No ad may offer incentives to viewers for submitting personal information.
3. No ad may be deceptive or fraudulent about any offer it makes in any manner.
4. If an ad includes a price, discount, or 'free' offer, the destination URL for the ad must link to a page that clearly and accurately offers the exact same deal and clearly state what action is required to qualify for the offer.

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Rubik's Cube Solution
Solve the Rubik's cube in seven steps with our beginner-level guide.

Carcassonne Strategy
Rules and strategy for the most addictive game you've never heard of.

Sudoku Strategy
Covers beginner and advanced techniques for solving Sudoku puzzles.

Tic Tac Toe Solution
Reveals how to win or draw at the classic Pencil and Paper game.

Einstein's Problem
Solve Einstein's famous puzzle by dissecting his clever list of clues.

Peg Solitaire Strategy
Graphical notation shows how to optimally solve this perplexing puzzle.